Alpha Quadrant map
This is a recreation of the Alpha Quardrant! It can hold up to 8 players, have fun with it!
Submitted for your approval! This is a beta release of a map
I've been working on for a while. It's rather large 38400 x 38400 for
the grid size. I've tried to include most of the Alpha Quadrant planets
as per our favorite SCI-FI series. It can have up to 8 players.
This map took quite some time to build, but I will try to release the
next installment which will be the beta quadrant as time allows, hopefully
this summer.
As this is the beta release, I would like some feedback as to how it runs
or doesn't run depending on your configuration. The final release will be
based on the feedback I get. If it sucks tell me it sucks. The final will
consist of a standard map and a special edition to work with Major Payne's
BI2 ( Nice Planets!!!! ).
To Do List:
- fix preview bmp
- finish planet names
- fix start-point markers (working in game though?)
ICQ# 1932334
Version | Author | Speedbuggy | Website | ||
Downloads | 9,491 | Size | 54.89 KB | Created | 2003-03-30 |
Now, about this map. Is it my imagination or does the race your choose dictate you're starting position? Was that planned or was it a fluke or is it just my computer messing with my mind?
I chose 38400 for the map size to try to make it playable on as many different combinations while giving enough screen to make it fun. Running in normal time it actually takes a few minutes to cross the entire screen which was my goal, although I intended to make all 4 quads. and link them as in the mission maps. Unfortunately at the time it was outside the scope of my abilities.
In regards to the start positions I'm thinking it was a mixture of things. My intent was to make the Feds always start near earth and all others @ random locations but it seems that when played as a Fed it almost never starts me out at Earth while playing as borg it always starts me in the same upper right location. Go figure! So maybe ill-planned a lot of fluke and isn't that what computers were supposed to do "mess with our minds?" .. ha ha ..
A2 in my opinion is still the game I have the most fun playing and since there isn't any new Trek on TV anymore, I'm hoping to direct more energy into A2 as a way to keep the spirit alive ..
Thanks to all who enjoy this map, 3000+ dl's and going strong and of course thankx to all the modders out there for keeping a now aged game so relevant and fun!!!