Shipyard Haven IV Alive Shipyard Haven IV Alive

(4 votes)
Jeri Hansen, 2005-07-06

The Borg have taken over Shipyard Haven stop them before it to late or you may end up like the federation base they try to get shipyard Haven before the Borg did but they lose to the Borg. The only way to get to other people base is by going though shipyard Haven unless you are the Borg or you’re got a Mod. I have to tell you I lost a few of my ship while trying to kill what was left of a AI and be leave me there was not much left the Greys did a good job. Lovely map and very fun game.

By Jeri Hansen

Number of Players 6
Number of Maps 1


The Borg have taken over Shipyard Haven stop them before it to late or you may end up like the federation base they try to get shipyard Haven before the Borg did but they lose to the Borg. The only way to get to other people base is by going though shipyard Haven unless you are the Borg or you’re got a Mod. I have to tell you I lost a few of my ship while trying to kill what was left of a AI and be leave me there was not much left the Greys did a good job.

I did try to do it with wormholes when I try it did not work any way I think this is the batter one.


Install into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn.

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Version    Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  952  Size  464.24 KB  Created  2005-07-06 



#1 Iorek 2005-07-09 05:22
How am I supposed to understand what was said?
#2 ameba 2008-02-20 08:23
you are not.

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