mp06map1 Map mp06map1 Map

(3 votes)
Pinky, 2005-05-14

this is a pretty cool map that I made. if you like wormholes this map is for you.
Yes it is Wink a very nice map, losts of wormholes, i like this.

this is a pretty cool map that I made. if you like wormholes this map is for you.
I dont currently have a website but my e-mail address is
If you send me an email I can Inform you when I make a website.
how to install:
Copy "mp06map1.txt" and "mp06map1.bzn" to the "bzn" folder under Armada II directory.

To play: when finding this map in armada II you will see 2 maps named Warzone but mine is the one that has the file name of "map1.bzn."


Credits:Me i did it all
build time-45 min

Oh yea and 1 more thing if you send me an email i will NEVER give your address to anyone.

Version    Author  Pinky  Website   
Downloads  553  Size  45.25 KB  Created  2005-05-14 



#1 Yacuzza 2005-05-15 03:59
Rock :thumbsup: Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 SHERMAN2 2005-05-15 09:18
Says person who hasn't downloaded it ;-)

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