Fightclub Fightclub

(4 votes)
Hary74656, 2005-12-01

This is a 6 Player Map, designed for massive Multiplayer Battles.

You will need big Fleets to come in the Enemy-Bases!

Fightclub V1.0

This is a 6 Player Multiplayer Map for massive Battles.

In the middle of the Map you will find a small "Present", but be carefull, this Present may kill your Base if it is not defendet :-)


Copy the .bzn .bmp and .txt to you \Armada2\bzn Directory

This Map was created by Hary74656

There is no need to ask me for Permission if you want to include it in your Mod, do it!

Version  1.0  Author  Hary74656  Website   
Downloads  677  Size  57.61 KB  Created  2005-12-01 



#1 thor1963 2005-12-06 14:05
very good at least u kept it to where no one can see what was in middle by looking at map keep it up Rock
#2 Hary74656 2005-12-07 02:27
The best way is, to play as Romulan, so you can bring the Borg down with Phoenix Ships

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