ResourceWar ResourceWar

(5 votes)
Stephen_1987, 2006-02-24

A nice little three player map for you to enjoy, from the readme, it involves a little transwarp to get from place to place, other than that it's quite simple.


Read Me: Resource War

The idea for this map is based on a contentious star system, three races are attempting to take it for themselves. The borg have colonized the inner part of the system, the only way they could reach it is through their transwarp portal.

Installation instructions:

1. extract all of the folder to C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn

2. Start game and enjoy.

Legal: This map can not be sold in any form, but may be distributed freely and included in anyone elses files, please just give credit.

Contact Info:
sgarrett05 AT


Version    Author  Stephen_1987  Website   
Downloads  773  Size  588.29 KB  Created  2006-02-24 



#1 archerscott 2006-02-27 12:13
Great map. I played this last night and it was good! 8) :thumbsup:

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