Federation Space Map Federation Space Map

(2 votes)
pejakm, 2005-09-24

This is a pretty cool 3 player map for Armada II Smile Worth adding to your collection!


If you want to add this 3 player map to your game, just to this:

copy mp03fs.bzn (or mp03fsr.bzn) and mp03fs.bmp (or mp03fsr.bmp) into your bzn folder.

The map mp03fs requires that you have:

-planet class O
-planet class Y
-mineable asteroids & mineable wreck
-addon mineable asteroids = +1asteroid

The map mp03fsr requires nothing, i.e. you can play it without installing any mod.

Have fun!

Any questions or comments?
Mail to: pejakm@gmail.com

Version    Author  pejakm  Website   
Downloads  1,378  Size  198.33 KB  Created  2005-09-24 



#1 Temporal 2005-09-25 12:20
it would have been better to hav a pic of the map screen, this just shows us wot units hav been built.

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