3 planet void 3 planet void

(2 votes)
Captain_H, 2003-02-07

Second map from Captain_H in what should be a long line of them! Consult the readme for more details

The map has five Class-M Planets, two Class-J Planets and two Class-L Planets in the center surrounded by a asteroid field. There are six infinate moons and six latium in center also. There are infinate moons spread throughout the map except for standard moons next to the Class-D planets which are close to the center. The bases have three latium nebulas, a inf-moon and a Class-H Planet. Four inf-moons are behind metron nebulasin the bottom corners. Tell people in your discription that only two wormholes work, they are the wormholes in the bottom/outside and in the top/inside.

Developer: Captain_H
Email: bwkilgore@plateautel.net
File Info: Next map, 3 players

Thanks for downloading my newest armada II map, I had always wanted to make my own
maps so this is next in what I hope will be a long line of them.

To install, just unzip and put into the bzn folder.

Please send any comments to the email address above.

Version    Author  Captain_H  Website   
Downloads  990  Size  45.12 KB  Created  2003-02-07 


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