The Division map The Division map

(2 votes)
FireFly*194*, 2003-02-24

This map is a mostly clear little place to battle. It has a large asteroid belt going through the middle of the map with wormholes on either side for you to get to the enemy. Also, each side has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to resources.

Installation Instructions: Extract thediv.bzn and thediv.txt into your Armada2\bzn directory.

Info on it: This is my first map. It is basically a nice clear place to battle and build up your armada. It is a 2-player map in which both sides have advantages and disadvantages.
So whatever side you pick will be different.

Bugs: None that I know of ;) .

Author: FireFly_194


Hope you all like it!

Version    Author  FireFly*194*  Website   
Downloads  670  Size  56.82 KB  Created  2003-02-24 


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