Death from Beauty Death from Beauty

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Weyoun, 2003-11-06

This map is continuing on from the map "Latinum Rush in Andromeda ". wich can be found Here.

Exploration of the Andromeda Galaxy goes on dispite the 8472 threat. Due to succesful mining of Latinum in this galaxy Starfleet has decided to allow other bases to be set up. Sensors have detected a large concentration of unusual nebulas. Proccede to the coordinates provided and set up a base that can research these nebulas and mine resources in the system.


install instructions:
place all files accept this readme in the BZN folder located in the main A2 directory.

The Continuing Story:
Exploration of the Andromeda Galaxy goes on dispite the 8472 threat. Due to succesful mining of Latinum in this galaxy Starfleet has decided to allow other bases to be set up. Sensors have detected a large concentration of unusual nebulas. Proccede to the coordinates provided and set up a base that can research these nebulas and mine resources in the system.

THis map is the third one in a series of maps about exploring the Andromeda Galaxy. The story above just talks about what Starfleet is doing and tells a little about the map. The maps before this one are Where No One has Gone Before and Latinum Rush in Andromeda. Enjoy!

Version    Author  Weyoun  Website   
Downloads  896  Size  50.54 KB  Created  2003-11-06 



#1 Guest 2003-11-06 15:36
thanks filetrekker for having these posted.
#2 Deathbyteacup 2003-11-06 16:48
:-) No problem. Theres a massive backlog of other files to do now :sad:

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