Chess Chess

(10 votes)
Cylon54, 2006-12-01

A map in the form of a Chess Board, and for two (I think) players. Whilst you obviously wont play like a Chess Game (at least, not against the AI, though on-line, it could be arranged) this is a fairly decent attempt of re-creating a Chess Board Wink


Readme File:
Ok so I decided to make a weird map.
Basicaly its a chess board complete with peices. All peices are capturable and armed with weapons roughly eqivalent to their chess counterparts.
All peices are stations so the ferengi dont steal them.
I know the textures could use some work but thats never been my strong point.
This map is probably better 4 human v human mathes but the AI usaly can half hartedly try and capture it sides peices but normaly only gets the king and queen before trying to kill its own pawns. (its not its fault its like this its just how it was made)
So a cunning (or semi consciece) player could take the AI's peices before it gets there.
There is a wide open space between the peices for large battles

Ok enjoy and if u dont like it im sorry .

install instructions

u all know by now dont u? if u dont email me at

Go to and check out Parallels

activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this map.

all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount

Chess is not copywrited as far as i know (if it is and u own it please dont sue me)

anyone can use this in your own mod but please ask me first

If somthing bad happens to your computer its not my fault.


Version    Author  Cylon54  Website   
Downloads  861  Size  5.14 MB  Created  2006-12-01 



#11 Madmark429 2006-12-04 12:14
#12 archerscott 2007-02-08 11:40
I think it's great but sadly the chessboard doesn't show, it's just white. The textures for the peices don't appear either so I had to remove.

But 9/10 anyway! :thumbsup:
#13 jlp47at 2007-09-24 15:35
haha I could just see Pimp playing chess with the star trek ships as well.

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