Boundries 2 map Boundries 2 map

(3 votes)
FireFly*194*, 2003-03-08

It is a pretty large map. One player has one half, and the other player has the other half. Wormholes connect the two sides which are originally separated by an asteroid field. But, beware, the wormholes are surrounded by harmful nebulas. Make sure you have a large enough crew or a good life support system to make it through!

Installation Instructions: Extract boundries2.bzn, boundries2.bmp, and boundries2.txt into your Armada2\bzn directory.

Info on it: It is a pretty large map. One player has one half, and the other player has the other half. Wormholes connect the two sides which are originally separated by an asteroid field. But, beware, the wormholes are surrounded by harmful nebulas. Make sure you have a large enough crew to make it through!

Type of Mod: Two player map

Bugs: None that I know of ;) .

Author: FireFly_194


Hope you all like it!

Version    Author  FireFly*194*  Website   
Downloads  965  Size  32.45 KB  Created  2003-03-08 



#1 WASAAP 2003-03-09 11:08
i got to preview this one yesterday! its a nice map.
#2 Chiletrek 2006-08-02 13:41

Today I was remebering this map, so i re-download it. This map is cool, plenty of resources and tricky to get a fleet into the enemy base.

This map is also perfect to try the modifications we make to the AIP's.

I hope to see new maps from you! :-)

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