Borg Bases Borg Bases

(1 vote)
Jeri Hansen, 2002-09-30

What a map this is a huge 2 Player map.

All the bases are protected by Asteriods.

Warning: Stay out of the center unless your ready for a fight.

Version  V 3  Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  1,433  Size  68.36 KB  Created  2002-09-30 



#1 JeriHansen 2002-10-01 10:56
thay here yes i did made this map and

- Latinum Nebula

- Klingon Base Pack

- Card. Base Pack (V 1&2)

- BorgNebula Pack (V3 to V5)

but it seen my name was not out up allwell and this map meat to be 4 Players and so is TJPandJP Map Pack well they are on my computer. or yes what happen to the pics any here were you cant found than and trevors maps pics too. or not the website not working for now says sos as it is i give the website.
#2 AdmiralQ 2002-10-24 07:28
Sweet with the 3rd team

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