8472 Battle Map 8472 Battle Map

(6 votes)
ButtonBoy, 2003-03-30

nice map for 8472 and a alpha quadrant race - seperated by asteroids - joined by wormholes.

8472 Battle by Buttonboy

Extract all the items in the .zip folder into your armada 2/bzn directory.

Team 1 should be federation/klingon/borg/romulan, and place them in the 3 spots in bottom left of the map. Team 2 should be species 8472, and should go in the 3 spots at the top of the map

Version    Author  ButtonBoy  Website   
Downloads  1,167  Size  64.90 KB  Created  2003-03-30 



#1 Guest 2003-03-30 08:19
hey! i made that map, not stompawampa!

#2 Buttonboy 2003-03-30 08:29
i mad this map, ask Nateanite, he tested it for me:@
#3 Nateanite 2003-03-30 09:54
He's right it is buttonboys map.
#4 Toasty_McGrath 2003-03-30 09:55
this is gonna make this forum a bit interesting
#5 FireFly_194 2003-03-30 10:16
I'm sorry for the developer mix-up. ButtonBoy now has the credit.
#6 Buttonboy 2003-03-30 14:03
thanx Firefly 194 :D

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